Diposting oleh Admin | Saturday, October 18, 2008 | | 0 komentar »

migpro command center merdeka!
version 2.1.3
Private Released August 18th, 2008
Public Released August 28th, 2008

What's new in this version...

This version is only for testing purpose, since the migpro application uses gateway.mig33.com

Please note if u use gateway.mig33.com in the Options menu, after u click on each of ID 01 - ID 15 or Launch All button, there will be some amount of time delay before the migpro launched.
And if u try to launch migpro when u don't have internet connection, then u will get error...
So make sure ur connection is established first.


(223 kB in rar format)

This version is not far diffrence from the previous version, except gateway.mig33.com can be used for the destination address for migpro..

please remember this..

A. Launching Migpro

All buttons are in inactive mode..
Fill all the required datas and then click on Save button, so the buttons to control migpro will be activated..

You can run migpro 1 by 1 by clicking on ID 01 upto ID 15, or you can run all at once by clicking on All button..
migpro will be launched based on the IDs that u fill in the ID/Usernames section...

After migpro launched, and some of them cannot login, simply close those error migpro and re-launched it by clicking on the appropriate button..
or simply click on All button..
and the migpro that u close will be re-launched..

After migpro are running and Kick button is not active, then it means u have not filled in ID that u want to kick in Kick username list..

To change the room u want to enter in, simply double click on the Battlefield textbox and choose the room name that u've saved earlier, or u can type the room name directly..
As soon as u do that, u can directly click on Enter button without clicking on Save button first.

B. Adding/Editing Data

All datas that you fill in before, will be saved in the database..
Everytime you click on Save button, then the datas writing in the textbox will be saved automatically into the database..

Also you can use List Editor for this task..

C. Using The Last Data

Everytime you run migpro command center, you can load the last data by clicking on Load button..
The last used data will be loaded and saved onto the configuration setting file of migpro..

Or you can load the data which u saved before (in database) by double-clicking on the textbox (except the password textbox), like in this following picture..
The left picture is the first state of the textbox, then after you double-click on it then the drop down menu will be shown up which showing all saved datas in database, just like the right picture..

To use the item, click on button in red circle, and to cancel it click on one in blue circle..
Everytime you pick the item by clicking on button in red circle, then the chosen item will be saved into configuration setting file, and you can directly use it without clicking on Save button first..

Remember, you have to click on one of those buttons to close the drop down menu, otherwise you can't bring up the drop down menu in other textbox..

D. Saving/Loading Data As A Group

You can save different group of IDs (max 5 groups)
After you fill in ID and password, click on menu File - Save troops - Save Troops 01
and arrange other groups and save as Troops 02 and so on..

To load the groups you saved, just click on File - Load Troops - Load Troops 01 and so on..
If u acvtivate Auto Lauch option, then the chosen group will automatically be launched..

E. Blietzkrieg

This feature has already exist since v2.0.0, but only in v2.1.0 is activated regarding of some request..
Blietzkrieg is a feature to make a kicking all at once (max 10 targets)
This feature is very depending on your internet connection..

Remember, if you use this feature dan the process to kick has reached the target 02 or 03 and so on, and the target leave the room, then this feature will fail..

I make an interval option here..
If you use interval 1.0 second, then the process to kick will have 1 second between each kick..

2. migpro command center [compact mode]
You can click on that button to kick target 01 directly..
but if u move the cursor and that button back to be inactive, then it means u don't fill ur ID 01 yet..


I guess that's it!
The basic is the same with v2.1.2
if u have not tried migpro command center before, then just try..
learning by doing..


Problem 1
runtime error 429 activeX component cant create object

the Microsoft Scripting Engine is not installed in the system

download Microsoft Windows Script Installer from this link:

http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=C717D943-7E4B-4622-86EB-95A22B832CAA&displa ylang=en

Problem 2
"Method '~' of Object '~' Failed"

The most common cause for this error is mismatched DLL files with Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC).


A. Install the Mdac_type.exe file. You can find the file at:


B. If you are using a Microsoft Windows 9x computer, install the latest DCOM version from:


C. If you are still having problems, obtain the Component Checker to remove MDAC and install it again. The Component Checker can be obtained at:


D. If you use Excel form previous time, that might be the reason.
Maybe this excel form is not close nicely and still have exe application in process (you can go to task manager and click processes tab, you can find an application called "EXCEL.EXE") , you can close this process and try again mcc. Problem may be can fixed.


version 2.1.2
Released June 7th, 2008

version 2.1.1
Released May 31st, 2008

version 2.1.0
Released May 25th, 2008

version 2.0.0
Private Released March 12th, 2008
Public Released March 21th, 2008

version 1.0.2 beta
March 8th, 2008

version 1.0.1
February 25th, 2008

version 1.0.0
February 19th, 2008

i don't want to read ur comment asking why this version stil don't use autolist and else..
coz mcc has a manual concept..

if u want autolist, then this software is not for u hehehe... Razz


The basic is the same with v2.1.2, but with some changes..

1. migpro command center [advanced mode]

This is the first time launched of migpro command center.

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